"Hide and Seek", Capitol Theater, Saturday 30th, noon. Su Friedrich will be there to discuss her work and the film. Friedrich began filmmaking in 1978 and has produced and directed thirteen 16mm films and videos. Her films have won many awards, including the Grand Prix at the Melbourne Film Festival and Outstanding Documentary at Outfest.
Martha Colburn, various short films, Thursday 28th, Capitol Theater, 3pm.
Martha Colburn is an animator, filmmaker & artist originally from Pennsylvania. Based between Amsterdam & New York/ Los Angeles, she travels extensively worldwide exhibiting her work. A self-taught filmmaker, she began in 1994 with found footage & Super8 cameras & has since completed over 40 films. Since 2000, her films have expanded into new venues & forms.
Submitted Films, Friday 29th, Capitol Theater, 12noon
Acnecore - Philipe Lonestar - 3:00
An Experiment in Autobiography - Erin Obradvich - 3:00
Do Poodles Dream of Electric Sheep - Sara Spink - 2:00
Thicker Than Water - Stephanie Zorn - 6:00
Moemoea - Sally Cloninger - 4:43
Move Me - Elisa Barrios - 10:00
In the Park - Diane Nelson - 6:00
Dream #7117 - Claire Harlock - 4:50
Ursa Dream - Kate Brown - 6:00
Jesse James (Boyskout Music Video) - Leslie Satterfield - 3:00
Untitled - Colleen Dixon - 3:00
A Visual Guide to Physical Examination - Laura Northrup - 10:00
Video Diary - Perrin Randlette - 10:00
Father - Carrie Keith - 0:30
July August September October November - Kristina Borus - 3:11
Packing - Janice Kang - 2:47
Last Resort - Lisa Danker - 3:40
Kentucky Fried World - Kathleen Bryson - 3:46
Nicky Clique: Two Femme Girls on a Rollerrink - Nicole Gsottschneider - 5:10
Guanmmmmtanamera - Elena Tejada-Herrera - 3:00
Spectular Air: Romancing the Balloon - Paige Jackson - 9:00
Open Screening, Friday 29th, Midnight Sun, 2pm
Bring part or all of your short film to be screened 10min before screening. Must be 5min or under. Past, present, and future women can screen films. Formats accepted: MiniDV, VHS, and DVD. All are welcome to attend.
Fill in the Blank Films: A Workshop in Digital Video, Sunday 31st, 2pm, Midnight Sun
Reel Grrls believes that it is important to give young women the skills to critically evaluate the media they are exposed to and then to empower them to produce their own media.The Reel Grrls graduates will lead a camera workshop where the participants will have the opportunity to learn basic camera skills, and find out about Reel Grrls, a youth media program in Seattle. During the workshop, we will add one-part fairy tale, one-part choose you own adventure and one-part mad libs mixed together with your creativity to produce a short video!
Bridget Irish - New Videos
installations on-view at the Capitol Theater and Olympia Clothing Project
throughout Ladyfest

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